How can I update my seventhings app?

We are continuously improving and updating our app for you - in order to always be able to work optimally, you should update your app regularly.

Your current Android version 1.9.0
  1. Check whether the latest version of the seventhings app is running on your Android device
  2. To do this, go to the menu in the app (3 lines in the top left) and select 'Imprint'
  3. Your Android app needs an update?
      1. You can update apps on your Android device manually or automatically
      2. Instructions can be found here 

Your current iOS version 2.9.0
    1. Check whether the latest version of the seventhings app is running on your iOS device
    2. To do this, go to the settings in the app (gear wheel at the bottom right) and select 'Imprint'
    3. Your iOS app needs an update?
        1. You can update apps on your iOS device manually or automatically
        2. You can find instructions here