Overview on the Circularity Hub

Find out everything you need to know about setting up and using our new Circularity Hub here.

With the Circularity Hub, we help companies return their depreciated or no longer needed assets to the cycle instead of scrapping them. This saves natural resources and avoids CO2 emissions. 

In the first step, we offer you a store where you can offer used (pre-loved) assets to your employees or external parties for sale. Here you can find out how to set up and use the store.

Note that Circularity Hub is currently in beta and is only available to beta testers upon request. The product launch will take place in February 2023.


Step 1 - Configuration

Customize the Circularity Hub in the Configuration menu according to your needs.

Step 2 - Selling

Offer assets for sale that are no longer needed. Feel free to use our automatic price suggestion.

To use the seventhings price suggestion you must maintain the acquisition price and acquisition date of the assets you are selling.


  • The automatic price proposal calculates the residual value of the assets by assuming a market price drop of 25% in the first year and a price drop of 5% in each subsequent year. 
  • In the case of particularly well-preserved items and designer items, the price should be increased manually by 5%.
  • In the case of blemishes or damage, the price should be reduced by 5% per damage.


You can also change the data of inventories that have already been put up for sale. The selling price can be adjusted directly in the Pre-Loved Shop, all other values can be changed via the Inventory menu. To navigate faster between the menus you can use the navigation icon. How to do that is shown in this video:

Step 3 - Employee registration

Also give access to employees who do not yet have a seventhings account. Accounts created via the registration link will automatically receive the sole right to view the Pre-Loved Shop and purchase offered items only. 

You can also give external people access to the Pre-Loved Shop via the registration link. Who should get access can thus be determined based on your internal policies. 

Info: Onboarding new users for Circularity Hub does not affect the license model. So you don't need to purchase a higher license to give all employees access to the store.


Step 4 - Buying

Learn how to purchase assets in the Pre-Loved Shop in this video.


Step 5 - Managing Orders

Learn how to manage the orders you receive as an admin.

The purchase transaction takes place via e-mail. To do this, follow the instructions that are sent after a purchase to the order email stored in the configuration menu.