Release Notes and Updates
- The column sequence per user can now also be saved for rooms
- A standard message has been added to the "Forgotten password" function
- it is from now on no longer possible as a user to find out whether the entered e-mail address is known by the system
- no separate error message for "unknown address" and "max. limit for forgotten password reached"
- Output of hint & error messages in the "forgot password" function corrected
- the hints & errors were partly or not at all translated
- Output of the currency symbol in the object list corrected
- the symbol is now no longer based on the user settings, but correctly on the field definition
- there was an error that blocked the system when sending e-mails to deleted users
- there was an error that blocked the system when import jobs could not be completed correctly
- Output of the ITEXIA logo in the individual Report "Example handover protocol"
- the logo was moved and could not be found by the system anymore
- Fix custom reports when filtering on attachments
- there was a bug that prevented the output of individual reports for objects filtered on attachments
- further bug fixes & stability measures